The Heavy Day: The Anniversary of Death


This time of re-mourning, so to speak, coincides with more neurological aloofness from Larry. I have pondered whether his lack of connection and cognition have been more prominent to me because of my mourning or just inevitable progression. I’m not sad but reflective. I think about my own mortality and whether or not I am occupying all of the spaces that I’m supposed to and creating a legacy that aligns with who I know me to be. The day was filled with busy work as Larry paced from room to room technically unresponsive to any prompts or attempts at engagement.

As I hold at bay the need for him to see me, to hug me knowingly, to engage in my presence in real time, he is oblivious. Rest well mom. It been a week. It’s been a heavy day.



E. Marie Lambert

E. Marie Lambert is host of The Talk to Reebs Show on WJYN Uptown Radio 98.5FM Sundays at 5PM and is hosted live on Facebook and @e.marielambert on Instagram.